Coffee Culture: From Bean to Brew, Everything You Need to Know

Brew Like A Pro: The Ultimate Guide To Using A Camping Percolator

Camping Percolator

Camping is one of the best ways to unwind, relax and get in touch with nature. It offers an excellent opportunity to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and enjoy some solitude. However, nothing beats a cup of hot coffee in the morning or after a long hike. This is where having a camping coffee percolator comes in handy.

A camping coffee percolator is an outdoor coffee maker that uses heat to brew coffee using ground coffee beans. It’s easy to use, compact and portable, making it perfect for outdoor enthusiasts who love their morning cuppa Joe but don’t want to compromise on quality. A good quality camping coffee percolator can provide excellent-tasting brewed coffee without electricity or expensive pods.

But before hitting the trails or setting up camp, take some time to familiarise yourself with your percolator’s instructions.

Elevate Your Camping Experience With Fresh Brew

Camping Coffee Percolator Experience

For coffee lovers, it can be hard to leave behind their morning routine of a freshly brewed cup. Fear not because, with the help of a camping percolator, you can enjoy delicious coffee even in the great outdoors.

  1. Choose your coffee grounds and grind them if necessary. For best results, use a medium or coarse grind.
  2. Fill the water chamber of the percolator with the desired amount of water. Be sure not to overfill the chamber.
  3. Assemble the percolator by placing the basket for coffee grounds in the pot and inserting the stem with the percolator top into the pot and water chamber.
  4. Place the percolator on a heat source. The heat source should be appropriate for the percolator and follow campsite regulations.
  5. Add the coffee grounds to the basket and insert the basket into the percolator pot.
  6. Place the percolator top on the stem.
  7. Turn on the heat source and wait for the coffee to percolate. Monitor the heat source and adjust if necessary to prevent over-extraction or boil-over.
  8. When the percolation is complete, remove the percolator from the heat source and let it cool for a few minutes.
  9. Pour the coffee into cups and enjoy.

Tips For Using A Camping Coffee Percolator

Using Coffee Percolator

Using a camping coffee percolator requires some knowledge and technique. Here are some helpful tips for making the most of your camping coffee percolator.

Use Fresh, Coarse Ground Coffee For the Best Results

A good cup of coffee can make the difference between a good and a bad camping day. One of the best ways to make coffee while camping is using a percolator, but not all percolators are created equal. To achieve the best results, using fresh, coarse-ground coffee is important.

Fresh beans make for better-tasting coffee overall as they retain more flavour and aroma than older beans exposed to air for too long. Coarse ground coffee is ideal for percolators because it allows water to flow quickly without over-extracting or under-extracting flavours from the grounds.

This ensures that your coffee will be brewed perfectly and not leave any bitter aftertaste.

Adjust The Amount Of Coffee And Water To Suit Your Taste Preferences

It’s important to remember that taste preferences vary from person to person. Some people like their coffee strong and bold, while others prefer something milder and more subtle. So when using a camping coffee percolator, you must experiment with different water and ground coffee ratios until you find the perfect balance that suits your taste buds.

Generally speaking, most camping percolators have instructions on how much water and ground coffee you should use.

Monitor The Heat Source To Avoid Boiling Over Or Scorching The Coffee

Making coffee over a campfire can be a delightful experience, but it can become a disaster if not done correctly. Using a camping coffee percolator is an excellent way to make delicious coffee while enjoying the outdoors. However, one must be cautious about monitoring the heat source to avoid boiling or scorching the coffee.

When using a camping coffee percolator, it’s crucial to keep an eye on the heat source constantly. Whether using an open fire or a portable stove, ensure the flame isn’t too high or too low. Too much heat will cause your coffee to boil over and spill out of your percolator, while insufficient heat will result in weak and flavourless coffee.

Clean And Dry The Percolator Thoroughly After Each Use

It’s crucial to take proper care of your percolator to keep it working effectively and ensure that your morning brew tastes its best. One essential step is cleaning and drying the percolator thoroughly after each use.

How To Clean Your Camping Coffee Percolator

Camping Coffee Percolator

To clean your camping coffee percolator, follow these steps:

  1. Disassemble the percolator. Remove the stem with the percolator top, the basket for coffee grounds, and any other removable parts.
  2. Dispose of the coffee grounds and rinse the percolator with hot water to remove any residual coffee or oils.
  3. If there are any stubborn coffee stains or buildup, add a small amount of dish soap to the percolator and scrub gently with a soft sponge or brush.
  4. Rinse the percolator thoroughly with hot water to remove all soap and residue.
  5. Allow the percolator to air dry completely before reassembling and storing it.
  6. Remember to clean your camping coffee percolator after every use to prevent the buildup of coffee residue and maintain its performance. With these steps, you can easily clean your percolator and ensure that it makes fresh and delicious coffee while camping.


Camping is a great way to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and enjoy nature. One of the joys of camping is enjoying a hot cup of coffee in the morning, but how do you make it when you’re miles away from civilisation? The answer – is a camping coffee percolator.

Camping coffee percolators are portable and easy to use. Hopefully, this article has reviewed the important things you need to know regarding camping coffee percolators!

Was this article helpful? Let us know in the comments.


Can I use a camping coffee percolator at home?

Yes, you can use a camping coffee percolator at home if you prefer the taste of percolated coffee or do not have access to electricity or other coffee makers.

What types of coffee can I use in a camping coffee percolator?

You can use any coffee in a camping coffee percolator, but some people prefer coarsely ground coffee to prevent it from clogging the percolator basket. You can experiment with different types of coffee to find your preferred taste.

What are the advantages of using a camping coffee percolator?

A camping coffee percolator is portable, durable, and does not require electricity or paper filters, making it a convenient option for outdoor enthusiasts. It can also brew a strong and flavorful cup of coffee.

Picture of Pearl Lemon Team
Pearl Lemon Team