How Long is Barista Training at Starbucks?

Starbucks is one of the most popular coffee chains in the world, with over 30,000 stores in more than 80 countries. One of the reasons for its success is its commitment to providing excellent customer service. To achieve this, Starbucks has a rigorous training program for its baristas. Aspiring baristas must complete a comprehensive training course before they can start serving customers. But just how long is Starbucks training, and what does it entail? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the Starbucks training program and explore what makes it such an integral part of the company’s success.

How Long is Barista Training at Starbucks?

Do You Get Paid During The Starbucks Training Period?

In the UK, Starbucks pays its trainees based on the National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage, depending on the age of the trainee. As of April 2023, the National Living Wage for workers aged 23 and over is £9.69 per hour, and the National Minimum Wage for workers aged 16 to 22 is £8.36 per hour. Trainees are typically paid at the minimum wage rate for their age group, although this may vary depending on the location and other factors.

In the US, Starbucks pays its trainees at the same rate as its other entry-level employees. The starting wage for Starbucks barista training, which includes trainees, is typically around $10 to $15 per hour, depending on the location and local minimum wage laws.

It’s important to note that wage rates and policies may be subject to change, so it’s always a good idea to check with the company directly or consult the relevant government agencies for the most up-to-date information.

What Is The Training at Starbucks Like?

Starbucks’ training program includes various learning materials such as videos, computer modules, and in-person training. Hands-on education is also key to ensuring all baristas can meet the expanding demands of the industry.

You’ll be observing your mentor day-to-day and learn how it’s run. This will also include learning about all the drinks on the menu, how they are made, and more in your training materials.

You can learn all about how Starbucks started, how they donate their time and money, and some of their cultural traditions. Plus, they even have videos so you can get acquainted with the company’s other important issues.

Starbucks’ site features, among other things, information about all the farmers who grow and pick their coffee beans and about how the company provides support for farmers dealing with environmental issues.

While the training plan for new employees will vary depending on their work, sometimes the schedule isn’t enough to teach everything that needs to be covered first. Baristas can learn specific skills on the job by watching other experienced Starbucks workers and observing their behaviour.

If a store is busy, new hires can be trained on the cash register and drive-thru window first to hit the ground running. They can be trained on other tasks at a later date.

How Long Is Starbucks Training?

Starbucks barista training typically lasts for two to three weeks, although the exact length may vary depending on the trainee’s location and the specific training program. During this time, trainees receive both classroom instruction and hands-on training at a Starbucks store, where they learn about the company’s beverages, customer service, and operating procedures.

The first week of training typically focuses on coffee and tea education, including how to properly brew different types of coffee and tea, and how to prepare popular Starbucks beverages. The second and third weeks of training usually focus on customer service, food preparation, and store operations, such as cash handling, inventory management, and cleaning procedures.

After completing the initial training, new Starbucks baristas continue to receive ongoing support and training from their managers and fellow team members to help them develop their skills and advance their careers within the company.

How Long Is Starbucks Training?

What Are The Starbucks Training Materials?

Starbucks provides a variety of guides to help new employees learn their jobs. These include booklets, computer modules, Starbucks Coffee and Tea Passports, and the Green Apron Book.

Most training materials are intended for self-guided study and come in handy when it becomes necessary to recall specific information. Starbucks do make use of specific brand training materials that have become almost legendary in the industry, and have been used as the model for barista training worldwide. Some of this specialist educational material includes the following:

Starbucks Online Training Library 

Starbucks baristas receive online training as part of their overall Starbucks training program. Online barista training is an important part of the company’s approach to employee education and development, and it allows baristas to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule.

The online barista training that Starbucks provides covers a range of topics, including company history and values, customer service, coffee and tea knowledge, and operating procedures.

Baristas typically complete the online training modules before attending in-person training at a Starbucks store, where they receive hands-on experience making drinks and interacting with customers.

In addition to initial training, Starbucks also offers ongoing online training opportunities to help baristas develop their skills and knowledge over time. These training modules cover a variety of topics, such as new product launches, seasonal promotions, and best practices for customer service and quality control.

Overall, online training is an important part of Starbucks’ commitment to employee education and development, and it helps ensure that all baristas have the knowledge and skills they need to provide customers with a high-quality and consistent experience.

Starbucks Coffee and Tea Passports

Starbucks coffee and tea passports are training materials that are used to teach new baristas about the company’s coffee and tea offerings. The passports are small booklets that contain information about the different types of coffee and tea served at Starbucks, as well as instructions and guidelines for preparing and serving each beverage.

The coffee passport, for example, includes information about the various regions where Starbucks sources its coffee beans, as well as details about different brewing methods and flavor profiles. Baristas are required to taste and evaluate different coffee blends and single-origin coffees as part of their training, and they use the passport to track their progress and knowledge.

The tea passport follows a similar format, with information about different types of tea, brewing methods, and flavor profiles. Baristas are also required to taste and evaluate different teas and tea blends as part of their training, and the passport helps them keep track of their progress and knowledge.

The coffee and tea passports are a key part of Starbucks’ training program, and they are used to ensure that all baristas have a consistent understanding of the company’s coffee and tea offerings and can prepare and serve beverages to the company’s standards.

Starbucks Green Apron Book

The Starbucks Green Apron Book is a training manual that is used to teach new baristas about the company’s history, values, and operating procedures. The book is called the “Green Apron Book” because Starbucks baristas traditionally wear green aprons as part of their uniform.

The Green Apron Book covers a wide range of topics related to working at Starbucks, including the company’s coffee heritage, customer service standards, and the preparation and presentation of beverages and food items. The book also includes information about Starbucks’ social and environmental responsibility initiatives, as well as tips for career development and advancement within the company.

In addition to providing information and guidelines for new baristas, the Green Apron Book is also used as a reference tool for ongoing training and development. Starbucks regularly updates and revises the book to reflect changes in the company’s policies and practices, as well as emerging trends in the food and beverage industry.



Starbucks barista training is a comprehensive program that is designed to teach new employees about the company’s history, values, and operating procedures, as well as the art and science of making coffee and tea beverages.

Through a combination of online and in-person training, baristas learn about customer service, quality control, and the importance of sustainability and social responsibility. The training program is just one example of Starbucks’ commitment to its employees and to providing customers with a high-quality and consistent experience.

With the knowledge and skills gained through the training program, Starbucks baristas are able to create a welcoming and enjoyable atmosphere for customers, and help make each visit to the coffee shop a memorable one.



Is it hard to get hired at Starbucks?

The difficulty of getting hired as a trainee barista at Starbucks can depend on a variety of factors, including the location and the number of available positions, as well as the applicant’s qualifications and experience.

Generally speaking, Starbucks is a popular employer with a strong brand reputation, which means that competition for entry-level positions can be relatively high. However, the company also has a reputation for investing in its employees and providing opportunities for growth and advancement, which can make it an attractive option for job seekers.

To increase their chances of getting hired, applicants can focus on building relevant skills and experience, such as customer service or food service experience, and demonstrating a strong work ethic and positive attitude during the application and interview process. It’s also a good idea to familiarize oneself with the Starbucks brand and products, and to highlight any relevant interests or experiences that align with the company’s values and mission.

Do Starbucks Trainees Get Paid Weekly?

Starbucks trainees and employees are typically paid biweekly, which means they receive their paychecks every other week. The exact pay schedule may vary depending on the location and payroll system used by the store, but biweekly pay is a common practice in the food service industry.

It’s worth noting that Starbucks offers its employees the option to receive their pay via direct deposit or a paycard, which is a reloadable debit card that can be used to access wages without the need for a traditional bank account. Additionally, some locations may offer early access to earned wages through a service called “Instant Pay,” which allows employees to receive a portion of their earned wages before their regular payday for a small fee.


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