Coffee Culture: From Bean to Brew, Everything You Need to Know

Brewing Magic: Create A Rich, Bold Espresso From Instant Coffee

Have you ever found yourself craving a rich and bold espresso but don’t have access to an espresso machine? Fear not, because it is possible to make espresso with instant coffee. While it may not be as authentic as a traditional espresso shot, this alternative method can still deliver a similar taste and caffeine kick.

Let’s learn more.

The Differences Between Espresso And Instant Coffee

Despite being popular drinks, espresso and instant coffee are very different.

Espresso is traditionally made by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee beans using an espresso machine. The result is a small, concentrated shot of strong coffee with a thick layer of crema on top. On the other hand, instant coffee is made from dehydrated brewed coffee that dissolves in hot water.

One major difference between the two is the taste. Espresso has a bold and robust flavour due to its high concentration of coffee oils and flavours extracted during brewing. Instant coffee, however, tends to have a milder flavour since many of these oils and flavours are lost during the drying.

Another key difference is their preparation methods – making espresso requires specialised equipment, while instant coffee can be easily prepared with hot water.

Why Make Espresso With Instant Coffee?

It is possible to make a tasty cup of espresso with instant coffee. Instant coffee is a convenient and affordable alternative that can mimic authentic espresso’s flavour profile and crema characteristics.

One key benefit of instant coffee for your homemade espresso is its simplicity. Unlike traditional espresso machines requiring a steep learning curve and technical expertise to operate correctly, making an instant coffee-based version is incredibly easy. All it takes is some hot water, a spoonful of instant coffee granules, and basic equipment like a French press or moka pot.

Another advantage of instant coffee for homemade espresso drinks is the cost savings. High-quality espresso machines can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Making yourself a cup at home is a cost-effective alternative.

How To Make An Espresso With Instant Coffee

Believe it or not, making espresso with instant coffee is possible. While traditionalists may turn their noses up at this unconventional method, desperate times call for desperate measures.


For the ingredient, you’ll need the following:

  • Two teaspoons of instant coffee
  • 1 ounce of boiling water
  • Optional milk or sweetener


  • Pour two teaspoons of instant coffee into a cup.
  • To help the coffee bloom, add half of the one oz. of boiling water and mix thoroughly for another 30 seconds or until the coffee completely dissolves.
  • If you would like a double shot of espresso, you can add another 1 oz of boiling water.
  • Once the coffee has thoroughly dissolved, you can whisk in sugar, milk, or honey.
  • Drink and savour!

How To Grind Instant Coffee To Make Espresso Powder

With instant coffee and a few simple kitchen tools, you can make your own espresso powder at home. In this article, we will guide you through the process of grinding instant coffee to make espresso powder.

Firstly, choose a high-quality instant coffee that has a rich and full-bodied flavour. The better the quality of your instant coffee, the richer and more flavorful your homemade espresso powder will be. Next, measure out one cup of instant coffee granules into a blender or food processor. Pulse the granules for 20-30 seconds until they become finely ground.

After grinding the instant coffee granules to a fine consistency, transfer them into an airtight container for storage.

Tips For Making The Perfect Cup Of Instant Espresso At Home

For coffee lovers, nothing beats the aroma of a freshly brewed espresso in the morning. However, brewing a perfect cup of espresso can seem intimidating, especially for beginners. 

The good news is that with instant coffee, you can still enjoy a delicious and flavorful cup of espresso at home. Here are some tips to help you make the perfect cup of espresso with instant coffee.

Use Quality Instant Coffee

Firstly, start by selecting high-quality instant coffee. Not all instant coffees are created equal; some may have an artificial taste or lack flavour. Look for reputable brands that use 100% Arabica beans and avoid those containing additives or preservatives.

Boil Water Properly

Secondly, boil water to about 200 degrees Fahrenheit as this is the ideal temperature for making espresso using instant coffee. Use filtered water if possible, as it will give your drink a purer taste than tap water.

Use Decaf Instant Coffee

Decaf instant coffee has less caffeine than regular instant coffee. This means you can enjoy your favourite drink without worrying about getting jitters or anxiety from too much caffeine.

Using instant decaf coffee allows for more control over the flavour profile of your espresso since it is not as overpowering as regular instant coffee.

Lastly, instant decaf coffee tends to be smoother and less bitter than its caffeinated counterpart, making it a perfect choice for those looking for a milder taste in their espresso.


Making espresso with instant coffee might seem impossible, but it is easier. While traditional espresso machines use finely ground coffee beans and high pressure to create a rich and creamy shot of espresso, instant coffee can also create a similar result with the right technique.

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Is instant coffee as strong as espresso?

Regarding caffeine levels, espresso typically contains more than double the amount of instant coffee. An ounce of espresso has about 63 milligrams of caffeine, while an equivalent serving size of instant coffee has only 30 milligrams.

The difference comes down to the brewing process – since espresso is made with finely ground beans and more pressure, it extracts more caffeine per unit volume than instant coffee.

Which one has more caffeine, instant or espresso?

Espresso contains more caffeine per ounce than instant coffee. A single shot of espresso (1 ounce) typically contains around 63 milligrams of caffeine, while a serving of instant coffee (1 teaspoon dissolved in water) contains only around 30 milligrams of caffeine. Espresso may be your best bet if you’re looking for a quick jolt of energy in the morning.

What is the ratio of milk to espresso?

The answer varies depending on the type of drink you are making. For instance, a cappuccino typically consists of one-third espresso, steamed, and frothed milk.

For every espresso shot (usually about 1 ounce), you must add an equal amount (1 ounce) of each steamed and frothed milk.

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Pearl Lemon Team