Beans that have not yet been cooked should still be a little oily. This means they are most likely fresh and perfect to use in your favorite dishes!
There are, of course, a few exceptions to the glossy bean rule. The most notable one is that some beans can be contaminated with other types of seeds.:
Less-roasted beans will appear more matte than other roasts because they’ve only been roasted for a short time. You should still be able to see the natural oils on them, giving them a dull sheen.
Most beans undergo the Swiss Water Decaffeination process, but this process can also give your beans a little shininess.
The bags that store the beans actually emit a sign if you know where to look for them. If these bags are heat-sealed without an off-gassing valve, you can be pretty sure that the beans were freshly roasted.
When it comes to coffee, Serious Coffee Ground bean is a must. Not only do they taste wonderful, but they’re also great for your health and have a 12-month shelf life thanks to the valve in the pack keeping them fresh. It’s always best to be safe than sorry and make sure you are getting the freshest coffee possible!

What are the Best Ways to Store Coffee Beans?
Coffee beans are a common ingredient used in many recipes and drinks. They are also a popular item that people love to stock up on. There is no doubt that coffee beans can be expensive, but storing them properly can help keep them fresh.
There are many different ways to store coffee beans. Some people prefer to freeze their beans in an airtight bag or an opaque container, while others store them in the freezer for up to six months. If you want your beans fresh when you need them, then you should consider using a vacuum sealer.
How To Keep Your Beans At Their Peak
Keep them in an airtight, dark container.
Avoid sunlight.
Avoid heat.
Storing your beans in a cool, dry place is important to avoid any risk of them being exposed to moisture and going rancid. As a result, it’s beneficial for your business to keep them stored safely outside the kitchen or other places they might get hot.
Beans stored in the kitchen might get wet. Be sure to store them in a container away from your sink.
Roasted coffee beans can be used in a variety of ways, ranging from cooking to bedtime. After one or two days, the coffee beans become less fresh. So make sure you roast as many as possible so that you’re able to make maximum use of them.
Place them in the freezer if you run out of time to steep your beans.
Coffee Storage Tips
How long does coffee last?
Coffee is one of the most porous substances, and storing it in open containers at room temperature can cause it to absorb previous aromas and lose freshness. If this sounds like you’d have trouble staying away from coffee, you might want to consider using plastic containers if you can. Coffee roasters are typically in the business of making coffee a high-quality beverage. However, not all customers like to mix flavours or different flavours, which is why the use of artificial flavours (which often come with negative impacts on the final taste) can be problematic.
Ground Beans
It is always best not to store ground coffee.
Your coffee will often come out too weak unless you grind it beforehand. Grind your coffee just before brewing it so that it’s just how you like it.
Not all beans are created equal, and this will have a major impact on the quality of the final product. Grind your beans too finely, and you’ll lose some flavour – try grinding them coarser if you want more flavourful fresh coffee.
The coffee grinds on a particular coffee bean will float in the water for a little while, so it’s essential to clean them regularly. Oxidation from coffee grounds has an effect on the grind quality, and by cleaning them, you’re also able to change their density and produce different levels of flavour depending on how long they’re stored before brewing.
Removing the grinds from your coffee mug is important for your coffee to taste as fresh as it needs to. You also want to make sure that not just any old beans are used, but new and fresh beans are used, so you don’t get the taste of old coffee and the flavour of fresh.
Always avoid putting coffee in containers that may impart unwanted flavours to your coffee. Ceramic is ideal in this regard, so store your coffee beans at room temperature with a vacuum-sealed container.
The type of beans you buy and how they’re stored is important–they need to be in an opaque, airtight container with a clearly marked expiration date every time page you buy them.
Whole Beans
It’s always good to make sure you’re stocking up on coffee beans for at least a week so that they will taste like the freshest beans you can get! Storing coffee beans in your freezer is a great way of enjoying coffee from time to time without worrying about the quality dropping over time.
Below are a few tips that have been shown to be helpful in keeping your beans from becoming freezer-burned
Putting your beans in the freezer is more efficient than storing them in a refrigerator. It can decrease how often things are opened up, which may actually lengthen their lifespan.
It is not the best idea to store coffee in paper bags. Instead, be sure to choose a company that bagging your coffee in its original packaging, which is usually foil or plastic. At Serious Coffee cafés, we use bags with liners when selling it, and they only bag our coffee when you order it.
Our coffee bags don’t include freeze-dried coffee because we’re committed to freshness – this means that the beans will not be exposed to excessive heat or air for too long. We want you to enjoy our coffee within a week so that you aren’t forced to pay extra for freeze-dried beans.
Take each bag out of its own freezer-quality liner bag, a jelly jar, or some other airtight container to avoid freezer burn. Vacuum stuff out, and don’t worry about the light; your refrigerator is dark, and the few times it’s open.
Serious Coffee’s beans are so fresh that they come packaged in a steel canister that also has a relief valve to help with the pressure. Be aware when resealing your bag of coffee, as it could cause an explosion.
A common tip is to keep producing fresh as long as possible by keeping it in packaging. It’s a great way to preserve food until you need it! The valve inside the packaging can only allow the gas to escape, ensuring that air doesn’t enter the bag.
Make sure that you follow the instructions on the label when storing your beans in order to keep them fresh. If you want to preserve your beans for more than two months, store them at -18°C. We don’t recommend this method.
Only take out enough coffee at a time and when it’s finished, thaw it out & store the rest of your beans in the fridge.
Conclusion: Should You Keep Ground Coffee In The Fridge?
Coffee is a staple in many households, but people often struggle to keep ground coffee fresh. Are there ways that you can keep your coffee fresher and avoid the mess?
Ground coffee can start to lose its flavour if it is stored in the fridge, so it should be kept out of the fridge. It is best to store it in an airtight container at room temperature.